
This is the code that handles loading the templates which are used to generate the final HTML files. It uses the Crinja template engine.

require "crinja"
require "crinja/loader/baked_file_loader"

This module bakes the default templates into the binary so we don't have to carry them around

module MyBakedTemplateFileSystem
  BakedFileSystem.load("../templates", __DIR__)

The Templates module is a singleton that provides access to the templates. The loader will look for templates in several places:

  • The templates/ directory
  • The current directory
  • The templates shipped in the binary itself

It will also try to load it with and without adding the .j2 extension.

You can see the provided templates in Github and adapt them to your needs: make a copy and pass it in the -t option to Crycco.

module Templates
  extend self
  Env = Crinja.new

  Env.loader = Crinja::Loader::ChoiceLoader.new([
    Crinja::Loader::FileSystemLoader.new(["templates/", "."]),

  def get(name : String) : Crinja::Template
  rescue ex : Crinja::TemplateNotFoundError
    Env.get_template(name + ".j2")